Tuesday, May 27, 2008
Officially DEAD!!! YAY!!!
I recieved my socks for sock war III this morning from Whimsyfish. They are bright orange yellow red and green and my photo doesn't do them the best justice but now they are on they may not come off. When I first saw them I thought they were a bit big but they are fine on and I initially didn't like the colours but it has grown on me and I quite like them (I am so fickle though it took me ten minutes to change my mind!! and hey I didn't make them so someone else spent time knitting socks for ME! YAY!!)Made from Schaefer Yarn Ann. 60% merino wool SUPERWASH, 25% mohair, 15% nylon so soft and bright and I think they are going to officially be my happy day socks. Lovely. Thanks to my assassin Whimsyfish.
mmmmm sock heaven......
Monday, May 26, 2008
SOCK WARS III and other things
Just to up the anti I thought I would join a killer Rabbit swap too. Why not? It was meant to start ages ago but due to unforseen circumstances it didn't happen to be ready until the same time as sock wars. I am still
Other craft stuff happening is a new nightie for me. I have had it cut out for about 6 weeks now (which isn't bad for me really I still have a pair of boxers I was making for Ash when we first got married 10.5 years ago...) and finally got it finished. I have made my own iron on transfers just to pretty it up a bit because it was looking a tad boyish. Its
Sunday, May 18, 2008
Granny got a new Hip
Below is the Blue lake at Mount gambier from the lookout. The other pic is of Mr 3 and Mr6 in our cabin.
This is the boys playing on the train at Kieth. Ash got a good work out pushing (and Zak followed it up and down more than once) and I even had a ride. Good fun.
Tuesday, April 22, 2008
Oh and I forgot this....
Monday, April 21, 2008
A New Fence Many socks and other stuff....
So everything went as easily and quickly as it could be expected under the circumstances until we had a date
for it to be replaced. Then the fence contractor couldn't come after we took the fence down. Imagine two boys under 6 a phsychotic and energetic Jack Russel cross Australian Terrier two gorgeous Kelpies and two chickens with no fence to separate them - it could have got ugly... so cut out the whinging and we are now at the end of a five week stint without a back fence. Heavens to Betsy I come home at lunch today and it is finished (almost).
Ok so there are about 2 panels that need to be put on. Apparently he "raced" to get the extra panels so I think he might get them here next week.....
Sorry about the sarcasm .....
Sorry about the sarcasm .....
Soon to come a vegy patch ooohhhh yeah!!!
Ok Sock update..... (I will finish my cardigans soon and start some other lovely yummy stuff but i have to get the sock fetish out of my system....)
Here is the partner sock to Mel's birthday socks (still have to kitchener stitch the toe..) Its a Jaywalker sock knitted in Jigsaw wool (mmmm me likes) many thanks to Grumperina on Ravelry . Mel has the other one so I just spend ten minutes finishing off and then happy days!!!
Yep I didn't rotate this pic... hmmm anyway in the spirit of Sock Wars III that I recently joined and for the pure delight of my nephew and his uncle (Ash wants some too) I found some acrylic Camo wool. The plan is for everyone to have some by the time we go to the Flinders Ranges... Not so sure about acrylic for socks but it was camo colours and all the boys will wear them to death. I might dye some Moda Vera Sock wool for me from Spotlight ($4.99 a ball you can't beat that) in the right colours so I can go camo too. I think I am becoming a wool snob. Ugghhhh Scary stuff.
Sock Wars start in May and the Nom De Geurre is 00.2mm. Watch out I am a quick knitter when I want to be!!!!
Thursday, April 17, 2008
Spelling Sucks
Yep if you haven't noticed that in one of my blogs I can't spell my own last name...... It has been one of those years.... Already!!!!
Ok Officially losing the plot. Not sure what I was talking about. You get that.
One of those weeks/days peopel wheel awl jurst have to deel with it......
Ok Officially losing the plot. Not sure what I was talking about. You get that.
One of those weeks/days peopel wheel awl jurst have to deel with it......
Thursday, April 10, 2008
Ok so I haven't blogged in a while and it has been a combination of sock and tea cosy frenzy and just to add to the mayhem I will be sewing this weekend with my sister in law for something fun for us to do without having to mind the kids. So it is all good and fun just a bit crazy too! So here are the latest socks I have made quite a few to catch you up on so here we go.
Socks for Pa! Happy Birthday Pa! I love these socks and so does Ash so I have to make some for him too before we go to Gumdale.... Ooooohhhh the Flinders Ranges.....Sorry I digress....Made from cotton and Bamboo blend and the pattern Thuja. Ma says that if Pa won't wear them she will so he had better hurry up she has her eye on them!!!!
Then I did some beautiful bed socks for Verity that I loved actually everyone i showed drooled and wanted some. I am intending to make some for Ash's Granny who we all love to bits but put some slip proof paint on the bottom so she has a bit of grip for her midnight trips....
Next on the list a tiny teacosy for Mrs Mac for the Easter fair at church... For those people who want tea in a teapot! Too Right Everyone has to have tea in a teapot can't understand why you would have it any other way!! Mrs Mac Rocks!
Then some wicked Jaywalkers for Ma!!! Oooohhh I love these and the wool is Jigsaw and self striping and Ma Loves them we all love them!!!!
Ok so next on my list is Birthday presents for Mel (sister in Law) Beck (sister) Granny (Ash's) After those i have a blanket to edge and get together for the craft group and then we will only have about 20 left to put together thanks to Wonderful Bev who supplied all the squares.... What a gem!!! Then a cardigan to take to Gumdale (drool drool) and socks for DH and more socks for me and socks for the neice and nephew for gumdale (oooohhhh Flinders. Can't wait!!!) and by then I also want to sew new pants for the boys for winter new pyjamas for them and a couple of nighties for me a couple of skirts for me and to finish the quilt I started for Zak about 8 months ago.... Hmmmmm only time will tell. Its just as well I am not working.....
Ahhh and working a friend of my mums has asked if I would supply hand made and hand knitted goods for her new craft shop..... Watch this space......
Monday, February 18, 2008
Pay it forward Exchange
Ok so I just found this exchange on Ravelry when I should have been cleaning my house (ravelry has that affect on me!!) called the pay it forward exchange based on the movie Pay it forward where you do an act of kindness without expecting anything in return.
Let me tell you about it, these are the instructions: "It’s the Pay It Forward Exchange. It’s based of the concept of the movie “Pay it Forward” where acts or deeds of kindness are done without expecting something in return, just passing it on, with hope that the recipients of the acts of kindness are passed on. So here’s how it works. I will make and send a handmade gift to the first 3 people who leave a comment to this post on my blog requesting to join this PIF exchange. I do not know what that gift will be yet, and it won’t be sent this month, probably not next month, but it will be sent (within 6 months) and that’s a promise! What YOU have to do in return, then, is pay it forward by making the same promise on your blog.
I will now Pay It Forward to you THREE, I wonder who you will be?! Please, be a PIF! You will enjoy it just as much as we do!"
And, remember...you have 6 months to get your gifts done! Come on, you know you would love to be one of my angels. Then, one day, but you don't know when....you will get a gift that I have made especially for YOU!
Please remember, you don't have to knit or crochet to participate, anyone who can make a nice handmade gift is welcome to join :)
So would you (yes you I am talking to you!!!) like to be my angel? I would love to make you a gift and send it your way... Post me!!
Let me tell you about it, these are the instructions: "It’s the Pay It Forward Exchange. It’s based of the concept of the movie “Pay it Forward” where acts or deeds of kindness are done without expecting something in return, just passing it on, with hope that the recipients of the acts of kindness are passed on. So here’s how it works. I will make and send a handmade gift to the first 3 people who leave a comment to this post on my blog requesting to join this PIF exchange. I do not know what that gift will be yet, and it won’t be sent this month, probably not next month, but it will be sent (within 6 months) and that’s a promise! What YOU have to do in return, then, is pay it forward by making the same promise on your blog.
I will now Pay It Forward to you THREE, I wonder who you will be?! Please, be a PIF! You will enjoy it just as much as we do!"
And, remember...you have 6 months to get your gifts done! Come on, you know you would love to be one of my angels. Then, one day, but you don't know when....you will get a gift that I have made especially for YOU!
Please remember, you don't have to knit or crochet to participate, anyone who can make a nice handmade gift is welcome to join :)
So would you (yes you I am talking to you!!!) like to be my angel? I would love to make you a gift and send it your way... Post me!!
Wednesday, February 6, 2008
Sewed new top, revamped boys rooms
Ok so last week of School hols we got a bee in our bonnet and decided to use the floor boards that had made their home in the laundry for the last 2 to 3 years and lay them in the boys rooms to replace the kanky kanky carpet that was in there. We also repainted. Oh JOy! three days and it was done, Ash was exhausted and so was I but it looks FAB! Well worth the work. Just the rest of the house to go now...... EEEKKK!
Disgusting carpet and yellow walls
Our happy helpers and the brand new floor and repainted walls. Oh so nice!!!!
After this the creative bug hit me and because it was sooooo hot I made myself a new top. Had the material for a while now and the pattern, just hadn't got there. Finally this week I finished it. Yay for me!!! Soooo Comfy and cool.
I have a black one like this that I bought but I wore it so much that the material has ripped near the arms (and it was a size too small but it was ok for a while). So i have this gorgeous white material with embroidery at the bottom that I am going to make another one out of.
Saturday, January 12, 2008
Boys and chooks
So the boys have been playing with the chooks, very nicely too I might add, although getting Alex to let go was harder than it was for him to pick her up........ You never know when you are being picked up if you are safe or if you are going to become dinner......
So what is the cause for all this chook frivolity?? Other than being lovely placid girls, we had our first two eggs this morning. Tiny but from here on it it might be an omlette every night!! Ha!
Sunday, January 6, 2008
Christmas at the Jones's
Here is Zak jumping on the trampoline that the boys got for Christmas....
And Alex giving it a go, later he bounced around like a rabbit on it, very cute....
Opening presents, thanks for these Rachelle, the boys loved the growing dino's secretly Ash and I did too....
Alex enjoyed opening presents this year and became so good at it that he proceded to open everybody's presents all day and into the next day so that some rewrapping was required and some guess work as to whose present was whose from interstate packages....
Other socks i have knitted
Knitting Projects I have completed
This is the third pair of socks I knitted from a free pattern online, the wool is worsted weight and that is all I know. I bought it from Lincraft in an unlabled grab bag for $5. You can't see it from the picture but the yarn is soft and silky although I am pretty sure it is just acrylic. They worked so well and these will definitely be good bed socks and around the house socks in winter.
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